Phygitial Experience


Moonrock partnered with Viral Nation to create a festival on Meta's Quest VR headset to celebrate Robloxians. The festival, held in Las Vegas, featured themed zones based on popular genres in the game and included activities such as games and DJ sets. Influencers, including PrestonGamez, were invited to host social meet-ups in the game to promote the Quest launch.

10Top Roblox Influencers
18.5m+Social Followers Reached

In September 2023, for the sandbox’s arrival on Meta’s Quest VR headset, Moonrock put on a festival celebrating the endless imagination of Robloxians. Working with Viral Nation, we created an immersive experience in Las Vegas gamers won’t soon forget.

Taking inspiration from popular Minecraft game genres like Fantasy, Horror, Music, Action/Adventure, and Social spaces, we designed zones that transported attendees into their favorite virtual worlds. These zones featured exciting games and physical obstacles, including a large ball pit, giving influencers an interactive experience they won't soon forget.

To generate excitement for the Quest launch, we invited well-known content creators like PrestonGamez to host meet-ups within the game itself. This clever blend of reality and virtual worlds acted as a powerful promotional tool, attracting a wider audience to explore the possibilities of the Quest VR headset.

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